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Sunday, April 19, 2009

(55) Glendora, La Mirada

Saturday, April 4th: We had a put in rehearsal for Jamie this morning. It went very well especially because she had been at the original rehearsals in September and had a good idea of the flow of the show. It was also fun because I got to run some of the fly cues for the show which was a fun change from the norm. The tech crew went to lunch at Subway where we got stuck behind a couple of people ordering 10 or 12 sandwiches. It was a little ridiculous, but the Subway people were really fast and got them in and out. We were annoyed so we were complaining out loud. The two or three people behind also got 4 or 5 sandwiches each as well! There was a track meet going on at the college which, so they must have been buying food for their teams. We had a 1:30pm(97) and 3:30pm(98) show and then loaded up and drove to La Mirada, CA. We stayed at the same hotel that we were in about 6 days ago when we performed in Cerritos because those two cities are right next to each other. That night, most of the company went out to the Elephant Bar to have dinner with Margo because it was her last night with the company.

Sunday, April 5th: We had a 6:30am load in at the La Mirada Theater. I woke up just before 4:15am for no reason and soon after, my alarm went off. It had been set for 5:15am but had sprung itself forward(because this was when Daylight Savings use to start!) I reset my clock to the right time and laid back down. At some point I fell asleep and woke up at 5:55am, just 5 minutes before we were suppose to leave the hotel! Apparently, when I reset my clock, I had NOT reset my alarm! I jumped out of bed and immediately sent Eric a text message before frantically packing my stuff and running out the door. Luckily, we had only been in the hotel one night and I hadn’t taken much out of my bags. We drove to the venue and were still a bit early. The venue was very nice and we had a good load in. Eric and I had lunch at a bagel place in the shopping center where the theater was located. We then walked over to Albertsons to buy some cupcakes for our 100th show that afternoon! We had a 1:30pm(99) and 3:30pm(100) shows. The Director of the Theater gave curtain speeches that were the most exciting we had ever heard. He even announced that it was our 100th show. Load out went well and we packed into the vans to drive up to Grapevine, CA which is just North of Los Angeles. I rode in the White Van and had a good conversation with Jill about what she should do with her life. It was very exiciting to come down out of the mountains just North of Los Angeles because this is a drive I’ve made so many times before. We made it to the Best Western and I called Michelle to tell her I was on my way to Stockton!

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