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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

(46) Bremerton, WA

Saturday, February 28th: Today we had our longest drive of the entire trip. It was a 575 mile (11,543 total miles) to Mizzoula, MT. I would like to note here real quick that the miles I count are only on the days that we drive long distances. At the end of the tour I’m going to look back through our log books to figure out an actual total mileage for the entire tour. I was in the red van and it was a pretty simple easy drive. There is not much to see in Wyoming or Montana. That night I did my taxes and watched “Star Wars: Episode 3” on TV.

Sunday, March 1st: Jill and I hopped in the truck around 8:00am and drove the 531 miles (12,074 total miles) to Bremerton, Washington. Bremerton is located just on the other side of the Puget Sound from Seattle. On the way there, we crossed the Cascade Mountain Range which runs through Washington State. On the way up the range, it was raining on and off. When we crested the range it was snowing huge flakes and as we descended the other side it turned back into rain. We arrived before the vans, who got lost about 3 blocks from the hotel and almost drove onto the Ferry that takes you across the Puget Sound! That night, Carolyn, Eric, Jonny and Rudy came over to my room and we watched a couple more episodes of “Lost.”

Monday, March 2nd: The morning was spent doing work and making phone calls. At noon, I took the white van and drove over to Bay Ford in Port Orchard to pick up a new oil cap for the van. It was good to get out of the hotel because the weather was beautiful. It was perfect spring weather, warm temperatures with a bit of a cool breeze. This is what I remember the temperature being like the whole time I was in Seattle doing my internship with Seattle Opera. That afternoon, we drove the 4 blocks over to the theater. To load the scenery into the venue, I had to pull the truck down a very tight alley next to the theater. The alley way was not flat at all and the loading area was not level with the alley. There was a doorway that we could roll boxes through, but if it was too large to fit through the door, it had to be lifted up onto the loading area. The larger pieces were carried around the front of the building and taken through the house. The venue had almost no wingspace, so we got very creative making everything fit. Unfortunately, we weren’t creative enough and we couldn’t get the movie screen to fit. Luckily, Caroline noticed that the venue had a large rear-projection screen which they let us use for the show. I did some paint touch up on the toy chest and then we were finished for the night. We headed back to the hotel for some sleep!

Tuesday, March 3rd: We had two shows at 10:00am(72) and 12:30pm(73). Because we were using the venue’s rear-projection screen and we were flying it in, which is very different from what we normally do, we had a small rehearsal with Dave and Margo to decide how it was going to work. After the shows, load out went very quickly and we were back at the hotel by 3:10pm. We had a tech crew meeting to discuss upcoming venues and schedules which seemed to take forever. By the end of the meeting everyone was burned out and ready to end their work day. For dinner I wanted to go across the street to this Teriyaki restaurant, but it was closed by the time I got there so went to Safeway with Lindsay and Dave. That night, Carolyn and Eric came over and we watched two more episodes of “Lost” which were both REALLY exciting! I was very worked up afterwards so I took some time to clean up my room and get packed up for the next day.

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