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Monday, November 17, 2008

(20) New Bedford, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 8th: DAY OFF! Today was another day off and I did just about nothing. In the morning I drove a couple of cast members to the train station so they could go into Boston. Then I went back to the hotel and sat in the lobby working on my computer for a couple of hours. I was updating my blog and looking at pictures and looking after my finances. In the afternoon, Caroline, Jill and I went to do laundry. When we came back Caroline, Eric, Rudy and I went to Unos for dinner. Finally, I ended my night with a compy date with Michelle.

Sunday, November 9th: Today we had an 8:00am load in. This was the first time that we loaded in the show on the same day that we had performances. We had a little bit of trouble navigating this small New England city and got lost twice trying to find the venue. The loading door for the venue is a door in the side of the building that faces a street. I had to park the truck so we were completely blocking the street for us to unload. The street was also on a hill so the whole truck was leaning towards the passenger side. After the loading door, they had a steep 3’ ramp that went up to stage level. This was easily one of the more interesting loading docks we have been in. The load in went well and lunch hospitality was fantastic. They had cold cuts, barbeque chicken and pumpkin soup. We normally don’t get lunch, or anything more than snacks, so this was great. The performers showed up at 1:30pm for mic check and we had one show at 3:00pm(28). It was a good show and we were done for the day. That night, Dave, Eric, Jonny, Rudy and I went bowling. We played a couple of pretty serious games with a lot of strikes thrown. I bowled a 168 in the first game and a 191 in the second game. That score was the best I’ve bowled since the summer Quentin and I bowled every Saturday morning at Madison Bowl. I had 2 strikes, 5 spares, 2 more strikes and then a 9 in the 10th frame.

Monday, November 10th: We had one show at 10:00am(29) a load out and then drive a 190 mile (3649 total miles) to Lebanon, New Hampshire. These New England states are very strange. It seems like everywhere we stay is right on the border between two states; Lowell, Massachusetts was next to New Hampshire; Burlington, Vermont was next to Canada; New Bedford, Massachusetts was next to Rhode Island. And this stop is the kicker. Not only are we performing in Lebanon, New Hampshire, which is on the border with Vermont, but we’re actually staying in White River Junction, VERMONT! I don’t think I’ve crossed this many state lines in this short a time ever in my life! When we got to the hotel, I dropped off my bags and took Caroline to the local hospital. She’d been having problem with her right ear and had to get it flushed. It was kind of disgusting to watch but made Caroline feel so much better. We went to Jake’s Deli, which was in a mobile, got a couple of good sandwiches and some Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream and went back to the hotel.

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