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Friday, September 19, 2008

Fun with Airplanes

Sunday, September 14th – Monday, September 15th: Carrie and Brian V. picked me up at Susan’s around 2:30pm to go to the airport. There were some high winds and we were pushed around a bit on the way there. The computers were down at Enterprise Car Rental and the employees were watching the shingles being blow off some of the other buildings in the area. It was strange because there was no rain or storm, it was just high winds. We got over to the airport and checked in for our flights. When I got to my terminal, most of the stores and restaurants were closed because they had no electricity. A lot of the afternoon flights had been cancelled and those later in the day were delayed, including mine. Around 3:30pm, they had to shut down the FAA tower because they were getting 65mph winds, which meant that no flights could go in or out of Cincinnati. Around 4:00pm, just 30 minutes before my flight was originally suppose to take off, I got a message from Orbitz saying my flight was cancelled! So I went up to the counter where everyone else was standing in line and got a ticket for the 7:30pm flight. I went over to where Carrie and Brian V. were waiting for their flight, which was delayed. On the way, I checked one of the departure boards and noticed that my 7:30pm flight had also been cancelled! At the check in booth near Carrie’s gate, they told me first that I had to go to gate 14 and second that there was a 2 hour line there and I should probably go back out to the front of the terminal. By the time I got out there, there was a huge line and I ended up waiting about an hour and a half before getting to the counter. The woman put me on stand-by for the Monday at 10:30am flight to DC and got me a regular ticket for the 7:30pm flight. I called Susan who came to pick me up. On the way home, we went by Surrey Square in Norwood and Hyde Park Plaza, looking for food and movies, and neither had power. Luckily, Rookwood Pavilion had power. There were also long lines at the gas stations that were open. Brekky picked me up from Susan’s and we went back to his place, which had no power. He then took me to my Dad’s who also had no power. I woke up early and we left my Dad’s around 8am, still without power. We stopped in Norwood to get gas at a gas station that was almost completely packed with cars. They dropped me off at the airport and I luckily got on my 10:30am stand-by flight back to DC!
The wedding weekend went well. I will post a link soon for the pictures.

Hope all is well!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just wanted to leave a comment 'cause no else has. I read up on your adventures - no the best of luck with flying it sounds like! Hope all is well!