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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Desk Work Again

Tuesday, September 9th - Friday, September 12th: Work is going well. It’s mostly paperwork at this point. I’ve been looking up contact information on all of the Technical Director for all the venues we’ll be visiting. I also have to find, or ask for, Technical Specifications for all the venues so that I can plan out how our show will fit in their space. There is a lot of running around The Kennedy Center looking for props or other things that would be helpful in rehearsal. I watched a video of the original production when it was performed here at The Kennedy Center. The show is about an hour long and is really cute and funny. My boss, David Paige, found a copy of the book “The Phantom Tollbooth” so I’ve started to read it as well. The book is about 250 pages and goes into much more detail than the Musical. Apparently, Delaware Opera wanted to do an opera version of the book, but I doubt that would have gone over very well.

On Thursday, 9/11, there was a lot of traffic around the area and there was a really beautiful memorial service at the Pentagon. They took this day to open a new memorial at the Pentagon. They are these really interesting benches that slope from one side to a flat surface and have a small pool of water underneath. On each bench is the name of one person who was killed on 9/11. Here is a link to some pictures from the Memorial:

I’ve met most of the cast and they are all very nice. The Stage Manager and I seem to get along great and my boss is pretty nice. A lot of the technicians who go on these tours come back for multiple years. My boss went out for 3 tours and two of our technicians are going out for their second tour. I spend most of my time right now sitting at my desk, staring at my computer. Next week looks to be similar, but I’ll actually get to talk to some venues on the phone. And the week after that is when we start tech rehearsals.

Hope all is well!

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