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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

(59) Oklahoma City, OK

Sunday, April 19th: Eric and I drove 179 miles(18,975 total miles) to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We had a load in that night at Putnam City North High School. Rudy had been to this venue the year before and we had a pretty good idea that it was going to be all high school students and a bad Teacher. All of the performers are also considered Assistant Stage Managers so we can call them for to work load ins/outs which we never do, but did for this venue. They were all fantastic as well. We would not have been able to do the load in without them. The high school students were willing, but we really needed some smart responsible people as well. The equipment was pretty shotty as well, which meant I did a lot of running around so that I was in places to act as a safety control. The venue Technical Director wasn’t completely useless, but he was pretty bad. The cast Caroline and Jill went back to the hotel around 7:30pm and Eric, Rudy and I ended around 9:15pm and went back to the hotel. I went to my room and immediately started listening to the Sharks vs Ducks game on my computer until Eric texted me that they were watching it at the bar near the hotel. I ran over to the bar and watched the rest of the game with Eric and Rudy at the bar. The Sharks ended up losing, which put them down 2-0 in the seven game series!

Monday, April 20th: We had two shows this morning a 10:00am(113) and 12:30pm(114). We had a few microphone issues but Jill and I took care of them as per normal. Towards the end of the second show, all of the power in the entire high school went out. We had to stop the show until the lights came back on. That was one of the most exciting things that has happened on tour and everyone took it in stride like professionals. Back at the hotel, I slept the afternoon away and then walked over to the same bar as the night before to watch two more Hockey Playoff games. The server I had was very nice, but kinda started to hit on my until I mentioned I had a girlfriend. I sat at the bar for a couple of hours and then headed back to the hotel for the night.

Tuesday, April 21st: We had two more shows at 10:00am(115) and 12:30pm(116). There were even more microphone. On top of those, we also had some shoe lace issues. Jamie broke the shoe laces on her boots and Jill did some amazing mid-show relacing. We were all pretty strung out from performing in this venue so strike went very fast and we were on our way. Eric, Rudy and I packed into the truck and started our drive to Joplin, Missouri. Everyone had been invited to a cocktail party at one of the big donor’s house where there were other big donors, politicians and educators. Eric, Rudy and I had to start on our drive to Paducah, Kentucky so we weren’t able to join them. The drive was pretty good, but three people in the truck makes for some cramped legs. We did the 222 mile (19,197 total miles) drive to Joplin in good time.

Wednesday, April 22nd: We completed the 392 miles (19,589 total miles) drive to Calvert City, Kentucky, which is about 17 miles East of Paducah. When we got to the hotel, we learned that our rooms were smoking rooms. They weren’t horrible, but it definitely gave me a bit of a head ache. The rest of the company arrived around 7:45pm from Oklahoma City on their 600+ mile drive. At 9:00pm, Eric, Rudy and I piled back into the truck to head down to the Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Performing Arts Center. These were the shows that got iced out back in January which were rescheduled in the middle of the huge Quilting Convention going on in Paducah right now. We were basically jammed into the theater’s schedule which is why we had to wait until 9:30pm to load in. Jill and Caroline came as soon as they had gotten into their room and eaten. Everyone rushed through their stuff because we also had to be out of the theater by 12:00midnight. Jill and Caroline were done by just after 11:00pm so they left. Eric, Rudy and I finished up just after 12:00midnight and headed back in the truck. We got a little lost but were back at the hotel by 12:45pm.

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